Kart Kingdom Wikia
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Glade 3

Birds were animals in Kart Kingdom, which were mainly found in quests. Most of them were relatively easy to spot, but some were harder to find. One of the quests in Grand Glade World required you to find all the cardinals, which is a type of bird. Some birds in quests were able to be jumped on by the player. That action boosted the player higher. There were bird nests on the waterfall, the Parts Trailer, and the TV screen in Grand Glade that showed up every once in a while.

In Grand Glade World, there were a type of red birds that commonly were around a place where a user would want to get to. These birds were obstacles, that players would try to avoid. If you came in contact with a bird, your avatar would flicker, and you would lose the gadget you were using (if you were using one), and would have to activate it again. If you were not using a gadget at the time, these birds were fine to jump on.

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