Kart Kingdom Wikia

Eye Spy #5 is the 99th Kart Kingdom Blog post. It was posted on January 27, 2017. In this blog post, K asks users to play a game. She asks if we have seen something in the Kingdom. She says we need to know what it is and where to find it. She tells us to take a picture of it and post it on the blog. She also posts a reminder of how to take a picture.  


Let’s play a game, everyone!  Have you seen this in the Kingdom?  Where?  If so, you must know what this is and where to find it!

Next time you see it, be sure to snap a picture of yourself posing and post it on the blog!

Here’s a reminder of about how to take a picture on the blog:

Blog-screenshotmac Blog-screenshotpc



  • K's picture appears to the left of her signature again after it briefly returned to being placed on the right side in the previous blog post.